Friday, January 16, 2009

Welcome Kids

Well hello there.

If you haven’t gotten it by now, I’m Meleyna. I’m a single working mother of a beautiful 16 month old boy. (Emphasis on single. So what’re you doing tonight?) I cook a lot, and I eat even more. (Red flag: Not a cheap date.) I’ve spent the last 21 years of my life in Scottsdale, Arizona and don’t plan on leaving anytime soon. (This is based more on my shitty financial situation rather than love for my hometown.) Other than cooking, during the week I like to read and watch a lot of crappy TV. On the weekend I may or may not get crazy and have a vodka tonic or six. (Red flag: Not a cheap date.) I may or may not limit my drinking to the weekend, but that’s for me to know, and you to laugh at when I inevitably put up some ridiculous drunk post.

Despite what 95% of people who meet me believe, I’m not Hawaiian. I am Japanese, but only half, and I like to play it up–its exotic and makes me interesting. My personality sucks, so really all I’ve got is my token minority friend status. In reality, I’m a fourth generation Twinkie. I don’t always take off my shoes when I come in the house, I eat more pasta than rice, and if you offer, I have no problem letting you pick up the check at the end of the night. But hey, my kid sure does know where his mimi and otete are.


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